If you are a long time Christian, it is easy to stand and profess “I believe in Jesus Christ, God’s only Son, our Lord…” The words of belief from the Apostles Creed are familiar and comfortable. And yet as we look at them a bit closer today, we will again see that even the “simplest” […]
Today we begin our new series exploring the historical Apostles Creed. This short statement of our faith allows us to concisely articulate what be believe about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the Church. While it is not the end-all of what we believe as Christians, it does set us moving in the right direction […]
Imagine a world where, instead of being infected with germs, we were instead “infected” with health! Wouldn’t that be something! In the final set of questions in the book of Haggai, God draws our attention to how holiness isn’t contagious while sin is – and then Jesus comes along and disrupts the status quo!
Did your mom always tell you how great your macaroni art was? Did she always tell you were the best musician or athlete? When our parents were being nurturing, they would encourage our talents. But sometimes, if we’re honest, our attempts were something only our mothers could love. As we turn to the second chapter […]
What comes first? That’s the question God poses to the Israelites 18 years after they return from the Exile. For 4 years, the were on track pursuing God… then for the next 14 years, well, not so much. Even though this question and these events happened almost 2600 years ago, the question still extends to […]
What “seasons” your faith? What takes your life from basic “meat and potatoes” to something full of flavor? Today, we explore the final 3 core values of the Brethren in Christ Church. These values are a little more “BIC specific” and add a layered “flavor” to who we are.
If you take away all the layers, what lays at the center of your faith? What unites us as we gather each week to worship together? Today we start a three week exploration of the Brethren in Christ’s Core Values asking ourselves what is central to our faith.
In the midst of your Christmas Day celebrations, pause with us as we look back at that first Christmas morning as we question what Mary knew as she held her sleeping Savior. As we explore Mary’s understanding of that special day, perhaps you’ll find there is more for you to know on this day as […]
Join us as we celebrate the Advent of Christ… looking back at His first Advent as well as looking forward to His next!
Today we reach the end of the book of Acts! One small problem… the book doesn’t really come to any kind of conclusion! Paul has reached the moment he’s been waiting for and then… well, the story pauses. Yet even in this we find one last challenge for our own stories today.