Haggai – Putting Priorities in Position

What comes first?  That’s the question God poses to the Israelites 18 years after they return from the Exile.  For 4 years, the were on track pursuing God… then for the next 14 years, well, not so much.  Even though this question and these events happened almost 2600 years ago, the question still extends to […]

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Core Values – Part 3

What “seasons” your faith?  What takes your life from basic “meat and potatoes” to something full of flavor?  Today, we explore the final 3 core values of the Brethren in Christ Church.  These values are a little more “BIC specific” and add a layered “flavor” to who we are.

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Core Values – Part 1

If you take away all the layers, what lays at the center of your faith?  What unites us as we gather each week to worship together?  Today we start a three week exploration of the Brethren in Christ’s Core Values asking ourselves what is central to our faith.

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Christmas Day – Mary Knew, Do You?

In the midst of your Christmas Day celebrations, pause with us as we look back at that first Christmas morning as we question what Mary knew as she held her sleeping Savior.  As we explore Mary’s understanding of that special day, perhaps you’ll find there is more for you to know on this day as […]

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Acts 28 – Stepping onto the Coaster

Today we reach the end of the book of Acts!  One small problem… the book doesn’t really come to any kind of conclusion!  Paul has reached the moment he’s been waiting for and then… well, the story pauses.  Yet even in this we find one last challenge for our own stories today.

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Acts 27 – Faith in the Storm

Paul has been sitting tight for several years in the palace at Caesarea awaiting his trial when (finally!) things start to move.  As we turn our attention to Acts 27 today, we find Paul boarding a ship and setting sail for Rome – the very thing Jesus promised him he would be doing two plus […]

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Acts 24 – Fight or Flight Faith

When you’re walking life with Jesus and everything is seemingly “perfect,” it is such a pleasant walk… but what happens when things feel less “perfect?”  What do you do when Jesus starts asking things of you that go against what you would want?  Do you run?  Do you fight?  Do you yield in submission?  As […]

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Acts 23 – (Not so Much) Law & Order

Who doesn’t love a great courtroom drama?  Yet despite all the episodes of Law & Order they have made over the years, none of them perhaps come close to the drama-filled courtroom scene that Paul encounters in the first half of Acts 23!  This action-packed “episode” brings Paul, and each of us, face-to-face with our […]

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