What if the answer is “yes?” When we are asking the question “did God really say” and the answer is yes, does that end our conversation? Well, sometimes it does… but other times, it simply means we need to keep looking at God’s words even more! Context matters and sometimes we take what God HAS […]
Want does God want you to be? We’d like to assume that God just wants us to be happy – that whatever makes us feel good makes God feel good. Yet as we look at scripture, we discover that God want us to be something but something much more, and better, than merely happy…
Having a bad day? Don’t worry… God won’t give you more than you can handle. Have many times have we said that to others? Have many times have we said it to ourselves? But did God really say He won’t give us more than we can handle? And if He didn’t, what DID He say?
We often hear it said that “money is the root of all evil” which has lead many Christians to struggle with what do whenever they come into some financial resources. The problem, however, is that this isn’t exactly what God actually said. As we look at what God has said, we not only find space […]
One of the most notorious conversations of all time takes place in Genesis 3. The serpent looks at Eve and asks “did God really say?” The obvious answer is “no,” which is what Eve says. But then, as she quotes what God did say, she adds things that God DID NOT say. And it’s in […]
It’s Easter! Today is the day we celebrate resurrected life! The full story of scripture leads us to this culminating moment where Jesus defeats sin and death. It’s a great ending to the story that started in Genesis 3. But is that all Easter is? A good ending to the story? What if Easter was […]
As we enter Holy Week and turn our attention toward the events of Palm Sunday, we are provided a unique opportunity to zoom in on the question we’ve been raising throughout our study of the Apostles Creed – what do we do with what we believe? On Palm Sunday, the crowds cheered that Jesus was […]
As we come toward the end of the Apostles Creed, it can feel like the final items we confess our belief in are just a quick list tacked onto the end. Yet as we look more closely at the forgiveness of sins this week, we are reminded that this belief changes everything!
As we articulate our faith using the Apostles Creed, there is one line that may jump out as a bit odd. We state that we believe in the “holy catholic Church” but we’re not Catholic. Maybe you know that difference between catholic and Catholic… or maybe you’ve never noticed the use of the small “c” […]
Today we look at the third part of the Apostles Creed – the Holy Spirit. However, the creed itself doesn’t give us much to go on. All we articulate is that we believe in the Holy Spirit. As we look back, we see that while the early church understood and depended on the Spirit, it […]