Scripture is filled with “one another” passages. Over and over again, God shares with us how we are to live with one another, serve one another, and love one another. The challenge is we often stay focused on ourselves and not the others in our lives. As we explore Luke 18-19, we’ll see once again […]
What are you afraid of? What keeps you up at night? Is it heights? The dark? Clowns? Spiders? This time of year, our culture gets really interested in what scares you. Some people love to be scared and some people like to scare others…and then there’s those who just want the candy! But what about […]
Life is easier with step-by-step instructions. Granted, most men don’t want to read those instructions when assembling things but overall life is easier when there’s a simple process to follow. So often, we try to create these unassuming processes to be used in our faith lives. If you’re struggling with “x,” just do these three […]
Technology has come a long way! Just one of the newer (and GREAT) advancements on my smartphone is the visual voicemail. Now, when someone inevitably leaves their return phone number too quickly, I can simply rewind and replay that part over and over again until I am able to decider the digits! While this ability […]
We’ve all felt it. You may be feeling it right now. Sometimes you just feel stuck and you can see no way out of “it.” “It” may be your job, your family situation, your finances, your faith, or even your self. Regardless of what “it” is, you just feel stuck. But what if there was […]
Raising kids can be quite challenging. Most parents today feel like they are losing their marbles as they desperately try to raise their kids in a world culture that is increasingly different than the faith culture to which we are called. But what if you didn’t have to do it alone? What if you were […]
What would you do with a day off? If your boss called and told you everything is closed today (say for a solar eclipse or something!). What would you do? Several of you would go fishing! There seem to be two types of people – those who love to fish and those who do not. […]
After all these weeks of talking about being “Poolside with God,” we finally see Jesus going to an actual pool! However, He’s not wearing His swimming trunks nor is He lathered in sunscreen. Instead, He’s just going about His regular day celebrating the Sabbath when He encounters a man in need of healing. While there […]
Have you ever fallen asleep on the beach? Most of us have at some point. Did anyone get upset with you? When you’re with family or friends hanging out at the beach, there may be a level of disappointment if you fall asleep rather than engaging in the fun and conversation. The disciples had a […]
Everyone’s grandparent, at some point, has said, “I remember when I was your age…” Most times these statements are met with a subtle eye roll and a “Yes, Grandma, life was so much harder when you were young.” While these declarations can be comical and, at times, annoying, they do serve a deeper purpose. The […]