Sometimes when we read a narrative in the Old Testament, the story is exciting and full of action but we are left wondering “what am I supposed to DO with this story? How do I apply it to my life today?” Numbers 25 is one of those stories. While the zeal Phinehas demonstrates is commendable, […]
Today, guest Pastor Dawn Groff joins us with a message from the Book of Proverbs
Today, back in the Book of Numbers, we explore two colorful animals that turn out to be powerful pictures of who Jesus is. These examples, and others, remind us of the importance and turning point in our lives when we look to Him!
Time can fly by! At least that is what seems to happen when we open up to the later part of the book of Numbers and discover that almost 38 years of time disappear in a few short chapters! The larger part of the wilderness wandering are unaccounted for as these years seem to have […]
We’re back in the book of Numbers today! Following their rebellion in chapter 14, God speaks hope to the nation. He declares “WHEN” you enter the land… not “IF.” A setback in our walk with Jesus doesn’t have to be the end of the story! God offers hope and mercy – but we must choose […]
The Israelites spied out the Promised Land in Numbers 13… and the majority of the reports were not positive. Now, in Numbers 14, we see the fallout from these reports and how, even today, we have a tendency to want to turn around rather than press into walking in faith.
What do you see? Simple question but often times it leads to a complex answer. Our eyes are amazing things that help us sort out visual data and yet sometimes our eyes limit us to only see what is right in front of us. Today we explore Numbers 13 and the need to “see” more […]
We all get along perfectly, all of the time… right? Of course not. But what do we do when we encounter confrontation? How do we walk through it, together? Today, we turn our attention to Numbers 12 as we watch Moses being confronted by those closest to him. As we watch what happened then, we […]
Starting in kindergarten, we were all taught 1+1=2. Math is basic. Math is simple (most days!). Math is logical. But what do you do when “the math” doesn’t work? What do you do when the numbers and facts staring you in the face just don’t add up? How do you handle life when it just […]
We often reflect on the “good ol’ days”… and there’s nothing inherently wrong with looking back on the past with fondness. However, as we turn our attention to Numbers 11 today, we discover that sometimes longing for the past leads us into sin in the present.