Following Ebenezer to the Throne

When you face a hard day, when things are not going your way, when if feels like you’ve wandered far from God – how do you find your way back?  What reminders, what arrows, do you have to point the way back to God?  In other words, what Ebenezers have you placed in your life?  […]

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When the Day Seems Darkest…

When your day seems darkest, when all hope seems lost, when everything is falling apart… Where do you turn?  The nation of Israel found themselves facing one of the darkest days as 1 Samuel chapter 4 came to a close.  The glory had departed the nation.  God was gone, essentially.  Where do you go from there?  […]

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When God Fits in Your Pocket

The nation of Israel, throughout the Old Testament, often found themselves in the position of looking for God and trying to remember where they “put” Him last.  Essentially, they would turn to Him in their times of need but then when they were through, they would simply try to tuck Him away in their pockets […]

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Knowing God

Sunday mornings were always the same growing up.  Get up, eat breakfast, go to church.  Without fail, this was the schedule 100% of the time.  There were no deviations, no exceptions.  Even when away on vacation, we’d get up, eat, and find a local church.  It was very easy as a child to feel like […]

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A Tale of Two Families

“It was the best of time, it was the worst of times…” Even as Charles Dickens starts his famous book “A Tale of Two Cities,” the book of 1 Samuel could start with the same words. For the nation of Israel, it was indeed both the best and worst of times.  There was no king […]

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God can speak through anything.  He can take the smallest item, the most random experience, and use it to teach us something about Him.  Today, we spend some time looking at the relationship between Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and ourselves and what two seemingly random things help us to understand more of what our relationship […]

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Case for Resurrection (Easter)

Did Jesus really rise from the dead or did the disciples make up the whole story? (In all the excitement of Easter, we forgot to record the sermon.  However, with the pending baby, Pastor Jan recorded the sermon in advance just in case he couldn’t have been at church for Easter.  That video is linked […]

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Case for Messiah

As we come to Palm Sunday, we reflect on Jesus as the Messiah…as our Messiah.  But was Jesus really the Messiah?  Did He actually fulfill all of the puzzle pieces that God provides throughout the Old Testament?  Or did He simply set out to fulfill them Himself…did the disciples fabricate details…was it just a coincidence?  […]

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Case for Verification

This week in our time together we explore chapters 4-5 in Strobel’s The Case for Christ as we look for verification and corroboration of Jesus outside of the New Testament.  While digging in the dirt can be a bit dry (pun intended), it nevertheless sparks excitement into our faith!

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Case for the Gospels

We know what we know…or at least we think we know what we know.  Yet sometimes, when we take a step back and reevaluate the facts, we might be surprised by what we find.  This is exactly what Lee Strobel did in his book The Case for Christ.  Strobel found himself exploring the possibility of who […]

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