You take all the information you have, everything you know, and find there are still holes. There are things you just don’t know. So what do you do? You make an educated guess… you make an assumption. We all do it. Sometimes we’re right and sometimes we’re wrong. When it comes to sharing our faith, […]
As we continue to break down our self-made barriers to fulfilling our calling, we turn our attention today to the barrier of comfort. We naturally migrate toward things that make us more comfortable. No one desires things that make them uncomfortable. Yet God’s calling on our lives may lead us to places that stretch us […]
When it comes to sharing our faith, many Christians struggle to do so on a regular basis. It usually goes along the lines of “I would but…” One of the reasons we struggle to fulfill our calling by Jesus to go and reach the world with His love is because we build barriers in our […]
Wouldn’t it be nice if there was always enough to go around? Enough time, enough money, enough patience. The list goes on and one. We live in a finite world where there are limited resources on everything. We also live in a world created by a limitless God. A gracious, compassionate God who will always […]
Beep…Beep…Beep…It’s Groundhogs Day! In the iconic 1993 movie, Bill Murray finds himself living the same day over and over again. What would it be like if you too could relive a day? What would you do with a fresh restart? This is where Jonah finds himself as he steps out of the fish. God presents […]
Have you ever stopped to wonder how Jonah processed through his experience? He didn’t know his own story. He was living it as it unfolded. What was going through his mind as the fish opened up its massive jaws? As we turn the corner into Jonah 2 this week, we receive a few more important […]
We all love a good fish tale…it’s was thissssss big! Of course, there’s no better fish tale than the story of Jonah. Who doesn’t love hearing about guy running from God, guy getting eaten by huge fish, guy getting spit up on shore so that he can do what God originally told him to do? […]
Have you ever known something and yet can’t explain it? You feel familiar with the concept and yet the words won’t come when you’re asked what it is. For many of us, that’s how we feel about grace. It’s a well-known and highly discussed biblical topic and yet one that we can’t always verbalize. We […]
As we start a new year, our minds usually go to the new us we want to become in the coming months. But as we start this new year, what if our minds were also to go to the church Christ has called us to be? What does it look like to be the church […]
“Joy to the World, the Lord is come!” We sing it every year but what does it mean? What does joy look like today? Is it just a happy feeling or is it something more? Joy and love came that first Christmas and now we light the advent candles of joy and love each year. But […]