As we enter the holiday season, most of us are excited about the coming weeks. Despite all the happenings in our world, this season is often one that fills us with joy and causes us to rejoice. Yet there are other seasons in our lives where rejoicing is much harder. How do we navigate those […]
As we turn to Genesis 20 today, it almost feels like we’ve gone back to the beginning of Abram’s story. The scene is so familiar… “she is my sister” comes up again. Yet in this seemingly repeat of history, we discover a hard truth about Abraham’s personal struggles and our own!
As we turn to Genesis 20 today, we see Abraham falling into old patterns. It almost feels like history is repeating itself… here we go again with the whole “she is my sister” thing. As we scratch our heads wondering what in the world Abraham is thinking, we begin to realize that the voices in […]
THE AUDIO ON THIS WEEK’S VIDEO IS NOT VERY GOOD… WE’RE WORKING ON FIXING THIS. FEEL FREE TO LISTEN TO THE AUDIO ONLY FILE BELOW – IT HAS A CLEANER SOUND. SORRY FOR THE INCONVENIENCE! When we read scripture, our natural tendency is to relate to the hero in the passage. Whoever is living boldly […]
Tuesday this week is a big day. It has the opportunity to bring us hope and fear, joy and sorrow, and countless other emotions. As we approach election day, we are all looking forward to what Wednesday and beyond may bring. But what is actually going to change come Wednesday? Maybe not has much as […]
Abraham is sitting… relaxing… enjoying some peace in the midst of a hot desert day. And then suddenly he looks up and sees three men standing across the way. The scene unfolds simply enough yet in it we find a great reminder that God loves to remind us and speak to us. What is God […]
Sometimes we’re called to wait patiently on the Lord. Other times God gives us something specific to do. How we respond in both of those moments really defines our relationship with Him. As we turn to Genesis 17 today, we find Abram coming out of a LONG waiting season and into the start of a […]
It’s very easy to come to a chapter like Genesis 16 and skim right over it. It’s a story many of us are familiar with, to a point, and one that, if we’re honest, we rather wish wasn’t in the bible. It’s not that it challenges us to live differently. It just that it shows […]
We walk by faith not by sight… and that doesn’t always make life easy. Many times as we walk in our callings, following God as we trust in Him, doubts arise. These doubts can scare us and we tend to push them away. But rather than suppressing these doubts, Abram shows us a better way. […]
Having sat for through years of school history class, not many people get excited to talk about another ancient battle. There were two sides… one won, one lost… what more is there. Yet in this particular battle from Genesis 14 we receive some amazing snapshots of our coming Messiah. Between Abram and the other characters […]