Acts 8 – After the “I Do”

What happens after you say “I Do?”  In marriage, things are necessarily easier and perfect.  In fact, often times, things get harder as you and your new spouse learn what life together is really like.  Similarly, when we say “I Do” to Jesus, our lives with Him are just beginning and it’s not always sunshine […]

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In the first half of Acts 6, we meet a new group of leaders who are called to “wait on tables” and serve the widows of the young church.  But then in the second half of the chapter, we encounter one of these newly called leaders serving in a very different capacity.  The story of […]

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Acts 6 – A House Divided Cannot Stand

Have you ever locked yourself out of your house and then spent the next hour trying to find a way in (hopefully without needing to break a window!)?  In many ways, this is a picture of Satan as he attempts to break in to the young, growing church in the book of Acts.  The thief, […]

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Acts 5 – God’s Alligator Test

It’s not too often elementary school math class comes into play when reading scripture.  Nevertheless, as we turn our attention to Acts 5, the lessons we learned in 1st grade about the “alligators” always “eating” the bigger number may help us to process the questions the apostles and early believers were facing and help prepare […]

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Acts 2 – A Countdown Worth Waiting For

The disciples find themselves waiting.  Jesus told them to wait and so they are.  But how long? Waiting is a hard thing to do but waiting without a target date is near impossible.  Yet what they are waiting for is WELL worth the wait! You and I are no longer waiting… but do we value […]

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Acts 1 – A Story Not to be Missed

Have you ever missed the middle of a movie?  The most important scene that serves as the pivotal plot point for the whole film?  If you have, you know what it is like to feel like you missed out on the full story!  As one finishes reading through the gospel accounts of Jesus’ life & […]

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The Maternal Side of God

We meet many mothers throughout the bible but perhaps not nearly as many in one spot more so than in Exodus 1-3.  The opening narrative of the Exodus is full of mothers making choices.  Choices that effect them, their families, and their relationship with God.  As we look quickly at these moms this morning, we […]

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A Plate of Extraordinary Women

Just as Jesus had women, including Mary Magdalene, who helped to support His ministry so too did the Apostle Paul.  Today we will look at three specific women who supported Paul’s ministry and worked alongside of him – each in unique and important ways!

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Godly Leadership

From the big name leading a nation to the ordinary housewife at home, today we turn our attention to two different women with very different roles.  Yet both are used by God as they follow Him with a humble heart… leading us to examine our own hearts and ask how God might be calling us […]

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