Trust and Obey Despite Your “But”

We work so hard some times to make everything look picture perfect.  Life is good.  Work is good.  Family is good.  Everything is good.  Yet behind the smiles, there always seems to lurk a “but.”  Life is good but… These often unseen challenges and struggles can tend to hinder us from fully trusting in God […]

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Pictures of Something More

While there are some really long stories found in scripture, there are also some really short ones.  Stories that, if you sneezed, you jump right over them in your reading.  The life of Elisha has several of these short, seemingly insignificant stories.  Yet with a closer reading, they may not be as “insignificant” as they […]

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A Pattern Made to be Broken

Reading a story from the bible can be quite entertaining… the who, what, where, when of it all.  But these historical events were given to us for more than a good story, for more than educational purposes, for more than mere enjoyment.  God specifically chose each event to both show us His heart as well […]

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The Forest and The Trees

Following Elisha’s call to ministry and the transition as Elijah is taken to heaven, there’s a questions unspoken in scripture – what type of prophet will Elisha be?  Will he be used by God to minister to individuals in need? Or will he be used by God to minister to kings and nations?  As we […]

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The Story Begins

Elisha was a farmer… nothing more, nothing less.  He worked the fields.  He served with his family.   And then one day, a man showed up in the middle of plowing season and Elisha’s whole story changed… his story began a new.  Elisha was called to be the prophet of God to the nation of Israel […]

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Life With God – Part 2

As we come to the end our our series walking through Skye Jethani’s book “With,”  we find ourselves looking once more at what it looks like to walk WITH God through life and the surprise way of thinking that comes with the journey.

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Immanuel – God With Us

Every year at Christmas we hear this word “Immanuel.”  We might even know that it means “God with us.” But where did it come from?  What inspired the prophet Isaiah to speak this word originally and start pointing towards the miracle of Christmas?  In answering these questions, we find that the call of Christmas and of […]

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Life With – Part 1

We’ve looked at what our relationship status with God should not be defined by.  It’s time now to dig into what it should be defined by.  What does “Life With God” actually look like?  What does this idea mean?  While it’s a life-long pursuit, today we look at how to take some steps toward truly […]

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Life For

How can living “life for God” be a bad thing?  It sounds good, even godly to say something like this.  However, when “doing” for God becomes the foundation of our relationship, we’ve started down a challenging slope.  Join us this week as we look at the older son in the parable son story and see […]

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Life From

As we come into the Christmas season, it is easy for our minds to gravitate toward what we hope to receive this Christmas season.  It’s an evitable pit fall of a season focused on giving… someone has to receive those gifts and, well, why can’t it be me?  But what happens when our relationship with […]

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