Waiting for Advent-ure

Waiting for cookies, waiting on Christmas, waiting in a doctor’s waiting room – it doesn’t matter what you are waiting on, it’s almost never fun.  But what if you took a difference stance to waiting?  Instead of simply staring at the clock, what if you got active in the waiting?  As we look at the […]

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Open to Advent-ure

Are you ready?  Are you willing? These are the questions we have to ask ourselves every morning as we jump out of bed.  It’s a new day…are we open to the adventure God has in store for us?  Mary and Joseph each had to answer these same questions that first Christmas.  Were they open to […]

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Expecting Advent-ure

Advent begins…but do we get excited?  If I say adventure begins today…then most of us would be quite excited!  The truth is everyday should be an adventure as we live out our lives for Jesus but the reality is most of us don’t experience that.  As we travel through this Christmas season, let’s explore the […]

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