On the Run

Where would you go?  What would you do?  If you were to wake up tomorrow and discover you had to start running, to leave everything and everyone behind, where would you go?  David finds himself running from “the law” in 1 Samuel 21 and at the same time, experiences what it is like to be […]

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Has Anything Changed?

David is running for his life from a blood thirsty King Saul when God steps into save the day.  Saul is overcome by the power and the presence of the Holy Spirit in 1 Samuel 19 and then we turn the page to chapter 20.  David has one big, burning question…has anything changed within Saul?  […]

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My Protector

In ages past when life got challenging, you literally grabbed your shield to protect yourself.  Be it arrows, swords, or battleaxes, your shield was your protector.  But what protects you today?  What do you reach for when life gets challenging?  When the day-to-day gets hard?  As we continue in our series through 1 Samuel, we […]

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How to Succeed in Life

It’s a question we all ask of ourselves at some point…how can I succeed in life?  How can I be successful in all that I do? It’s a question that David and Saul essentially answer for us in 1 Samuel 18.  Granted, they don’t come straight out and tell us but they do provide a […]

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All or Nothing

Our God loves to give us second changes!  In this week’s passage, God offers King Saul a second chance to honor Him and obey His word.  Yet Saul fails to take hold of the opportunity.  In his failure to follow God’s instructions, we learn a valuable lesson about the need for obedience and the cost […]

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Pulling the Emergency Brake

Sometimes we rush into things.  In a panic, in moments of the unknown, we can find ourselves doing something…anything…just to feel like we’re taking matters into our own hands.  When it feels like everything is falling apart, we tend to have an urging to simply do something to say that we tried.  That’s where we […]

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Standing Still

The day has finally arrived!  Israel has a new king.  He’s been announced and proclaimed not one, not two, but three different ways and times.  As he steps onto his throne, his predecessor Samuel steps down from leadership.  In these moments of transition, Samuel shares some final thoughts with the nation and calls them to […]

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A Snapchat of a Good King

Whether you use Snapchat or not, you may be familiar with the fleeting nature of the pictures people send using the app.  The images are only visible for a brief period of time and then  they are gone.  As we open 1 Samuel 11 today, we find a biblical sort of Snapchat.  As Saul steps […]

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Following Ebenezer to the Throne

When you face a hard day, when things are not going your way, when if feels like you’ve wandered far from God – how do you find your way back?  What reminders, what arrows, do you have to point the way back to God?  In other words, what Ebenezers have you placed in your life?  […]

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When the Day Seems Darkest…

When your day seems darkest, when all hope seems lost, when everything is falling apart… Where do you turn?  The nation of Israel found themselves facing one of the darkest days as 1 Samuel chapter 4 came to a close.  The glory had departed the nation.  God was gone, essentially.  Where do you go from there?  […]

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