From Here to There: The Book No One Reads

“These things happened to them… as examples for us”… but do we know what happened to them? That’s the question we need to wrestle with as we embark on a new series together exploring the Book of Numbers. By its title, it’s not the most exciting book and yet time and time again, scripture itself […]

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Life of Jesus – Palm Sunday

Today we celebrate Palm Sunday where we not only reflect on welcoming Jesus into our lives but also challenge ourselves to surrender completely to His Lordship as He shapes us for His perfect plan.

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Life of Jesus: Who are You?

Who is Jesus? Or… maybe more importantly, who did Jesus say He was? Did Jesus ever claim to be God or was He just a good teacher? This week, we look more closely at John 8 to see one (of many) moments where Jesus clearly and concisely shares His true identity.

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Life of Jesus: Greater than the Rules

Rules, rules, rules… we love our rules. But sometimes our rules become roadblocks to the freedom Jesus has for us. Today, we explore Matthew 12 as Jesus explains the difference between living for the rules and living for Him.

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Life of Jesus: Approaching the King

Is Jesus approachable? The gospel accounts – full of massive crowds and marvelous miracles – show us an amazing Jesus but one that, at times, might begin to feel too much like a celebrity to approach. Today, we look at three encounters through the book of John that reveal not only Jesus’ approachability but even […]

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Life of Jesus: The Hero’s True Identity

All throughout the gospels, and specifically in the book of Mark, we see Jesus telling people to “remain silent” and “not tell anyone” about who He is or what He’s done for them. These moments seem odd if Jesus’ calling was to proclaim His identity as God’s promised Messiah. Why does Jesus on one occasion […]

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Life of Jesus: Is Bread Good for Your Heart

Most people love the miracle where Jesus multiples the fish and loaves to feed the 5,000. We return to it again and again. Yet as we look at the well-loved store a bit more broadly today, we discover that there is an underlying heart check we are called to take in the midst of eating […]

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Life of Jesus: #BLESSED(?)

Even outside of the church, Jesus is remembered for His teaching. And while He said a lot of things, He is perhaps best remembered for His Sermon on the Mount and specifically the Beatitudes. Today, we take a look at these 8 attitudes we, as followers of Jesus, are called to have and see that […]

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