A Pharisee and a Tax Collector walk into the temple… No, this is not the start of an Old Testament joke but instead a parable of Jesus.  Through the use of storytelling, Jesus provided deep lessons on the Kingdom of God and other spiritual topics.  This week, as we look at a story about a Pharisee […]

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The Only Door that Really Matters

We are called to “go and make disciples” and to be Christ’s ambassadors.  We reach our world and open doors, introducing people to the love of Jesus, and there are a lot of opportunities to do so.  However, without coming to the one door that really matters, none of our efforts mean anything.  Jesus is […]

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The Doors We Open

We are called to be Christ’s Ambassadors and to reach the world for Him.  Sometimes, however, our own expectations get in the way and we need to be reminded that we are simply called to do the work and God will make it grow.

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Opening Doors

We all open doors…both physically and spiritually.  What doors are you opening?  How are you reaching the world with the love, forgiveness, and hope that Jesus offers?

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