After all these weeks of talking about being “Poolside with God,” we finally see Jesus going to an actual pool! However, He’s not wearing His swimming trunks nor is He lathered in sunscreen. Instead, He’s just going about His regular day celebrating the Sabbath when He encounters a man in need of healing. While there […]
Have you ever fallen asleep on the beach? Most of us have at some point. Did anyone get upset with you? When you’re with family or friends hanging out at the beach, there may be a level of disappointment if you fall asleep rather than engaging in the fun and conversation. The disciples had a […]
Everyone’s grandparent, at some point, has said, “I remember when I was your age…” Most times these statements are met with a subtle eye roll and a “Yes, Grandma, life was so much harder when you were young.” While these declarations can be comical and, at times, annoying, they do serve a deeper purpose. The […]
Many of us love sitting by the pool, soaking in the sun. We love to sit and talk with friends and family building into relationships and going deeper as we relax. However, one thing many of us do not like to do at the pool is get wet. While we like being next to the […]
Sunday morning message shared by guest speaker Pastor Tom Koch. First, remember, God hates sin, but He LOVES you! He sees you as righteous as Jesus! Rom. 4:24-5:1 (God’s Wrath or punishment is the result of holy, righteous, justice. (Poured out on Jesus) Discipline is the product of a loving Father.) Second, we live […]
It’s summer…time to head to the pool! This time of year, we all love to spend the day by the water. There’s nothing quite as refreshing as a relaxing day lounging in the sunshine. Even better is when someone invites you out for a day of splashing! Did you ever stop to realize that God […]
What would you say if you were asked “what two things do you always need more of?” I suspect near the top of your list I would find mention of pennies and patience. In some way or another, we can all use more money and a higher level of endurance with the events of life. As […]
What are you doing tomorrow? If you’re like me, you not only have a plan but you have a back-up plan as well! I love to plan! To some extent, we all do. We like to think about, dream about, what we’re going to do tomorrow or on vacation this summer or in our retirement. […]
Let’s look at our personal relationships and what James has to tell us in James 4:1-12 about the essential characteristic of a Christ Follower.
“Do or do not, there is no try” – Yoda Wouldn’t it be nice if life was that easy? Only two choices with no middle ground? If every decision could be broken down into a binary of sorts? Unfortunately, life is much more complicated. Almost every decision and choice comes with multiple options that take […]