More Sharing

We’re digging into a deeper relationship, a growing relationship, with God’s Spirit!  We’re listening…we’re seeking…we’re following.  But our relationship with the Spirit doesn’t stop with just Him and us.  As we grow in our fellowship with the Spirit, it should overflow into our relationship with others.  The Church, the Body of Christ, is unified by […]

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Hearing and Receiving More

Communication is a key to growing in any relationship.  So when it comes to our relationship with God, how are we doing with our communication?  We often talk about prayer being our time talking with God; however, if we’re being honest, this tends to be a one-way street.  We have no problem telling God what […]

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Ask for More

We know, as believers, that the Spirit of God lives in us and with us.  Jesus tells us as much in John 14.  But we also would admit that we often struggle to know how to build into our relationship with the Holy Spirit.  How do we depend on Him more and more?  How do […]

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An Invitation to More

With the advent of a fresh new year, we feel the pressure to start off on the right foot.  We make a resolution to do better in the coming year – to do more good, to get “more” healthy, to connect with more people.  Resolutions are about more…and more takes work…and that’s often why we […]

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Meaning of Christmas

We expect Christmas each year.  That makes sense because December comes around each year.  We have our traditions…the things we look forward to (and a few things we don’t).  We get excited to see the cold weather set in and the snow begin to fall.  But what if Christmas was unexpected?  The first Christmas was […]

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Celebrating Christmas

Within our own family, we each celebrate Christmas with certain traditions.  Some of our traditions are unique to our family while other are common and shared throughout the world.  Two of the more popular traditions of Christmas involve putting a tree inside your house and a jolly, red-suited gentleman bringing gifts down your chimney.  As […]

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Why “Christmas”?

Christmas can be a pretty exciting time of the year…all the trees, presents, nativity scenes, and cookies.  But Christmas can also be a pretty confusing time of the year…all the trees, presents, nativity scenes, and cookies.  It’s no wonder one child summarized Christmas as “the three wise men who followed the star to the North […]

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What Do We Do Now?

We’ve been asking several questions in our pursuit of theology, knowledge about God.  Most recently, we’ve asked “how can we start over?”  The answer, simply, was that we can indeed start over through Jesus.  He offers us a free gift to begin again through His sacrifice on the cross.  But is that it?  Are we […]

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How Do We Start Over?

Anytime you’re playing a game with a preschool aged child, they always seem to be asking for a “do-over.”  Whether they rolled a bad number on the dice, or picked up the wrong card in Candyland, they think they deserve the right to start over.  At at age 4, we usually let them.  But what […]

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How Did We Get Here?

At some point in our lives, whether after falling asleep on a car ride or waking up one morning to head off to work, we all ask the question “how did I get here?”  We all find ourselves questioning how our current situation arose.  What did we do or not do to get us “here,” […]

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