There’s nothing quite like a nice, big meal…to walk away from the dinner table feeling full. But what does it look like to be “full” in Christ? To have fullness in Christ? Paul turns his attention in the next segment of his letter to the idea of our being brought to fullness in Christ. This […]
Do you ever have those mornings where you wake up and you can’t remember what day of the week it is? Those first few moments after the alarm clock goes off can be quite foggy. If you’re traveling, that moment of “what day is it?” can be coupled with “where am I?” and make you […]
Each month, you find yourself with the daunting task of sitting down to balance out your bank account. Most people find the objective of reconciliation to be one of their least favorite times of the month. There are always a few people out there who enjoy this mathematical experience but they are few and far […]
As we jump into the 2nd week of our study through the Book of Colossians, we find ourselves asking “what will Paul’s first move be?” Last week we looked at all of the players involved in this first century letter, this week, we’ll explore Paul’s opening thought…do you know you’ve been rescued in Christ?
Join us as we dive into our summer-long study of the Book of Colossians. As Paul writes to this young church in the first century, his resounding theme is we are IN CHRIST. But before we can dig too deep into this letter, we need to start by looking a little more closely at a […]
Guest Speaker Rich Mailloux shares a message from Exodus 32:1-24 and Psalm 32:1-5.
Guest speaker Paul Keefer shares a message from John 7:53-8:11.
Happy Mother’s Day! It that special day we set a side to honor our moms, remember our moms, celebrate our moms. It’s also the day we spend some time thinking about what kind of mom we have…or had…or are. There are lots of kinds of moms in our world today but to narrow down the […]
(Our apologizes…the first two minutes of the sermon did not record. Imagine yourself sitting in a bright, sunny field listening to Jesus teach all day and you are caught up!) If everything was stripped away and you had nothing left except Jesus, would He be enough? This ultimately was the question the crowd was left […]
Words like ‘comfort,’ ‘luxury,’ and ‘premium’ fly around us every day. Turn on the television and you’ll hear countless commercials offering to sell you the latest in style and ease. But then you open up your bible and read Jesus’ words to “deny yourself, pick up your cross daily, and follow me.” That doesn’t sound […]