When life gets hard, we ask why. On some days, it is perhaps the most ask question in our prayers. So why does bad stuff happen? Why does life get hard at times? As we look into the beginnings of the book of Exodus, we find three potential answers to our why questions. Let’s jump […]
Broken things usually get thrown away. Sometimes we keep broken things simply for sentimental reasons. Rarely do we keep broken things to put them to use. They are broken…they’ve lost all their use. And yet, that is not the case when God looks at us. God does not look for perfection when He needs a […]
We’re all broken, yes, but what does God do with broken things? Does He just keep us around for sentimental reasons? Out of a sense of nostalgia for the good ol’ days? Or, despite our brokenness, does God have something bigger and better in mind for us? What if, instead of keeping us broken on […]
It’s the final scene! As we come to the end of our study through Colossians, Paul brings it all together with his final challenge on what it looks like for us to walk IN CHRIST.
As we come into the second half of Colossians chapter 3, we stumble into perhaps the most controversial verses in the entire letter. Paul starts by telling wives to submit to their husbands. But what did he actually mean by this? Is he talking about blind obedience or is there something bigger in his mind […]
Founding Pastor George Kimber shares a message from Deuteronomy 32 on being God’s eagles.
What are you going to wear today? It’s a question we all have to ask ourselves pretty much every morning; but did you ever ask yourself the question from a spiritual perspective? We all “get dressed” spiritually each day and Paul gives us counsel on “what to wear” today in Colossians chapter 3.
When we met Jesus and decide to live our lives in Him, it can be a tricky business in some ways. While we hear again and again in scripture that we are new in Christ, we also live out the reality of still living day to day with temptations and struggles. How do we balance […]
Guest speaker and missionary Ben Newton shares with us a message from Luke 14:1-24.
We don’t often think of a world without bacon… it’s just something we take for granted. However, before Peter’s vision in Acts 10, no God-honoring person would have ever considered enjoying the sweet, salty treat. Pork fell onto the “unclean” list from the Old Testament Law. But Jesus came to fulfill the Law and then […]