Being the Church

As we start a new year, our minds usually go to the new us we want to become in the coming months.  But as we start this new year, what if our minds were also to go to the church Christ has called us to be?  What does it look like to be the church […]

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Joy & Love

“Joy to the World, the Lord is come!” We sing it every year but what does it mean?  What does joy look like today?  Is it just a happy feeling or is it something more?  Joy and love came that first Christmas and now we light the advent candles of joy and love each year.  But […]

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Hope & Peace

Each Advent season, we light the candles of Hope and Peace.  We hear a lot about these topics from the world at Christmas.  “I hope I get what I want for Christmas” and “Let there be peace on earth this Christmas.”  But what really do these topics have to do with Christmas, with Jesus’ birth […]

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Yielding to the Throne

Go go go, rush rush rush…it’s that time of year again.  If we’re being honest, it’s that “time” of year all year for many of us. Our lives are defined by going and doing.  We assess ourselves in how busy we are and how productive we have been.  Yet as we look one last time […]

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An (Un)expected Ending

After all these weeks journeying through the book of 1 Samuel, we’ve finally reached the end.  The long-awaited conclusion has come…but it’s not much of a surprise.  God foretold Saul what the end would bring.  He promised David a throne.  Yet even in the expected, we find that things goes unexpected…reminding us one more time […]

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The Other Side

We’ve seen David’s story over the past several weeks…now it’s time to turn back time a bit and see Saul’s side of the story.  While Saul’s story doesn’t end well like David’s story did, there is still a lot we can learn about our own walks with God as we Saul’s story come to it’s […]

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Finding Strength

David has been in a dark place for almost a year and a half.  He’s lost his identity, his purpose, his dependence on God.  He thinks he has hit rock bottom but, in truth, he’s not quite there yet.  In one of the final chapters of 1 Samuel, we see David finally hit the bottom […]

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Dark Places

We all love scrolling our favorite social media platform.  They’re usual full  of happy posts and pictures from our friends and family.  They can fill us with excitement and joy for those we love and care about.  However, unlike our social feeds, life is not always happy and joyful.  Many of us struggle with the […]

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An “Abbie-wich”

Most of us have probably found ourselves staring at a screen debating whether or not to hit “send.”  The message we’ve just written accurately, and quite passionately, describes how we feel.  Yet in our hearts, we know hitting “send” is not what is best.  While the message accurately describes how we feel, it also returns […]

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