Respectable Sins: We all have a Cancer

As followers of Jesus, we move from being sinners to saints. We are washed in His blood, forgiven, and restored. In His name we receive grace. BUT… all of that doesn’t mean we no longer struggle with sin. On the contrary, as Christians we have even more work to do to root out sin in […]

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Esther: A Call to Remember

As we wrap up our exploration through the Book of Esther, there is reason to celebrate.  For them, the threat has passed.  God was faithful.  God was active.  However, these truths are no less real today.  God continues to be faithful.  God continues to act.  We can give thanks as we remember and move forward […]

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Esther: Connections

Sometimes things don’t seem to connect. Life is full of “unrelated” puzzle pieces. Yet somehow God orchestrates all the pieces of life into one seamless narrative… moving all things into His good purposes. And as God’s story unfolds, we have a choice on how to engage with this story!

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Esther: Risk & Values

Esther takes the plunge. She risks it all. She goes to see the king. And it goes well! But what happens next has us all scratching our heads a bit. Esther risks it all but the reasons she gives don’t exactly line up. As we explore Esther’s risks and reasons, we find an opportunity to […]

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Esther: Playing Chess with God

All the pieces are on the chess board placed exactly where God wants them. Now it’s time to watch the game unfold. As Esther contemplates where God has placed her “for such a time as this,” we too are led to reflect on God’s sovereignty and His placement of the “pieces” in our own lives.

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Esther: Pacing the Story

Sometimes things slow down. Sometimes, after a season of excitement, things appear boring. Yet in these moments, God is often speaking the loudest. Today, we explore the next part of the book of Esther. While it has a slower pace, God has a lot for us to take away.

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Esther: Behind the Scenes

In scripture, God loves to let us see behind the current and see what He is doing. But then when we close the pages of our bible and step out into life, it gets a lot harder to perceive God’s hand at work. The book of Esther is a story full of life’s twists and […]

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The Generations of Christmas: Uriah’s Wife

Ever had someone ramble on through a long story only to be left wondering “what was the point?” By the time we reach the of Matthew’s genealogy, we have much the same feeling. It’s interesting to a degree… but what’s the point of this long list? The breaks in the pattern points us to some […]

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