Weekly Thought 1.6.20

It’s our annual week of Prayer and Fasting!  Each year, we and other BIC churches around the country set aside this first full week of January for a time of reflection and seeking God.  I welcome and encourage each of you to join us this Tuesday and Thursday evening at...

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Weekly Thought 12.16.19

This morning for breakfast I had a bowl of cereal.  It wasn’t very exciting. To be fair, I could have made many other exhilarating things.  I could have fried up some eggs, prepared some bacon, flipped some flapjacks. I could have stopped somewhere on my way into the office and...

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Weekly Thought 12.09.19

It is exciting to come into the church office on a rainy Monday morning and take a quick walk out to the lobby to discover the rapidly expanding pile of gifts being assembled under the tree!   And then afterwards to have someone stop by to drop even more items off...

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Weekly Thought 12.02.19

This morning as I was driving the kids to daycare, “The Little Drummer Boy” came on the radio.  It’s a song I’ve heard my entire life, one I know by heart.  I usually don’t think too much about this particular song…if I’m being honest, it really isn’t one of my...

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Weekly Thought 11.25.19

Today is November 25th…only one month until Christmas!  This year, the holidays have both come too slowly and come up too quickly…it’s a paradox that I suspect many of you are experiencing with me and yet none of us can fully explain!  Of course the snow yesterday reinforced that the...

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Weekly Thought 11.18.19

It finally happened!  After waiting for over six months, the walls finally came down!  The lanes were finally open this past Friday!  Traffic is once again flowing freely, unhindered and no longer limited! If you’re not a frequent traveler of route 222 in Lancaster around the Ephrata exit, you have...

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Weekly Update 11.04.19

Did you ever have one of those moments when you were swimming in the ocean and you looked up to realized that you had drifted way down the coastline?  That you were no longer where you thought you were? Moments like that in life can be scary.  To look up...

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Weekly Update 10.21.19

On Saturday afternoon, my whole extended family gathered and we did something we haven’t done in over three and a half years—we took a picture.  Now, we’ve taken hundreds, if not thousands of pictures over the past years…but not one like this.  This was a full family photograph.  One with...

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Weekly Update 10.14.19

Yesterday after service we had a great discussion regarding the proposed staff position for next year.  There were some great comments and questions as we looked at the Leadership Team’s draft for a “Family Ministry Director.”  If you were there, I hope you are excited to see what God is...

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Weekly Update 10.7.19

It’s fall! Oh wait, now it’s summer again… And now fall again… Here’s a bit of winter for you… And back to fall…   The past week or so has been a roller coaster of weather patterns!  We just can’t seem to find a season and stay there.  Personally, fall...

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