Weekly Update 2.20.17

What a wonderful weekend of weather, worship, and fellowship!  I hope you were able to enjoy some time outside this weekend in this amazing spring-like weather!  I also hope you were able to connect with our church family yesterday and were challenged in how we approach our outreach.  The apostle...

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Weekly Update 2.13.17

I feel like over the past week we have experienced almost a year’s worth of weather patterns!  It’s hard to believe that the middle of last week was almost in the 60s and then snow swooped in and blanketed everything in white.  Now yesterday, we had rain followed by enough...

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Weekly Update 2.6.17

A huge shout out and thank you to everyone who came out Saturday morning to help with the first Upward Evaluation Day for this season.  Not only was there plenty of help to make the workload light, but there was also a great sense of fellowship as we all were...

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Weekly Update 1.30.17

After church yesterday, Allison and I had the privilege to join several families from church who had invited us out to lunch.  As we walked up to the restaurant, one of the pre-teen kids ran up and opened the door for us.  He smiled knowingly has he held it open...

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Weekly Update 1.24.17

This past Sunday was such a day of celebration!  Not only did we have four individuals make a proclamation of their faith through baptism but we also had eight individuals increase their commitment to the HBIC family by becoming members!  It was such a great morning of seeing people taking...

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Weekly Update 1.16.17

The weather sure has been like a roller coaster lately!  Up and down the temperature goes!  Of course, I’m not complaining as I have been loving these warmer days…very much like a South Carolina winter!  I think God is helping to ease me back into the cold northern winters 🙂...

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