Thursday’s Reading – John 16:5-16
“Trusting the Unseen and the Unknown” by Mike Hershey
Jesus says to the disciples in the upper room at the time of the last supper, “They will put you out of the synagogues, anyone who kills you will think they are doing it for God. Now listen up. I am going to go away and send someone else to help you.”
Now the disciples had to be wondering if they had followed the right man. Was He an imposter that was going to bail out on them? When Christ was crucified, the disciples ran home and went back to their jobs thinking the big charade was over. Then Jesus said, “Oh by the way guys, I am going to leave you for a little while and then come back and then leave again forever. You are responsible for carrying on this ministry and by the way, people will hate you for doing it. But I really must leave and it is the best thing for you.” Jesus had explained all of this in detail to them during His ministry and He even gave them a three paragraph discourse on this subject just prior to the last supper. The disciples still remained as confused as ever.
I ask myself what I would have done in that situation. Would I have gone home and written it off as bad judgement on my part? The disciples did waiver but God through Jesus did not allow them to falter. They did preserve and preach the gospel to the ends of the earth. Through faith, trust and the power of the Holy Spirit, they accomplished their mission. Even though it meant martyrdom for eleven out of the twelve with John finally dying in exile on the Isle of Patmos. Twelve men all giving their lives for the love, truth and light of one man, Jesus.
How do I maintain my faith and trust in God if I face the same persecution as the chosen twelve? In that time of need, I will call on Him and He will answer me with unlimited grace and mercy to endure the moment. Only for a moment. In the twinkling of an eye I will be with Him in the great city of Jerusalem, where there is no more pain, suffering nor scars of disappointment.