Weekly Thought 2.24.20

Who do I really love?  What am I really afraid of?

These are the questions that, I hope, are running through your mind as you go about your Monday after yesterday’s sermon.  As we begin to look at the self-made barriers to sharing God’s love with others, we started by asking ourselves these simple but convicting questions.  Sharing our faith is not about being a professional evangelist or a seminary trained instructor.  Sharing our faith is just loving people and sharing ourselves – who we are and whose we are—with them.  Jesus calls us to go about our lives sharing His love with everyone.  It’s a matter of love, not fear.  My prayer is that this week God would give us each the opportunity to love someone, to befriend someone, to speak a word of grace into their lives!

And as you’re loving others this week, also keep in mind that this Wednesday is the start of the Lenten season, the countdown to Easter.  I hope you’ll join us for a self-guided reflection time starting at 5:45 pm.  Simply come to the church lobby and you’ll be given instructions on where to go and what to do next.  You can arrive any time between 5:45 and 6:45 and at the end of the reflection journey, dinner will be served in the gym.  This experience is family friendly so feel free to all come out together!

As most of you have hopefully heard by now, the Leadership Team is trying something a little different during March with our worship services.  We will not be collecting offering during the service but will instead have a collection box available as you come in and out of the service.  The intention is to provide a different way to give back to God as we provide a more fluid time of focused worship each week during the month.

Finally, I wanted to share a quick update with everyone on the Family Ministry Director position.  It’s been almost a month since the church family affirmed the new staff position and it was posted in ministry job websites.  Over the past few weeks, resumes have been slowly but steadily coming in and over the next week or two, I will be starting the process of connecting with these individuals.  Please continue to pray for God’s guidance in this process.  It’s moving forward, slowly, and we’re excited to see what God is doing!

Have a great week loving people! Remember, “perfect love cast out fear!”


In Christ Alone,

Pastor Jan