Today is November 25th…only one month until Christmas! This year, the holidays have both come too slowly and come up too quickly…it’s a paradox that I suspect many of you are experiencing with me and yet none of us can fully explain! Of course the snow yesterday reinforced that the winter is most definitely here as well as Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and everything else in between!
As excited as I am to start celebrating the Advent of Jesus, especially now that the church is decorated so nicely (thank you to everyone who stayed and helped yesterday!), I don’t want to get ahead of myself and forget to pause this week and spend time expressing my gratitude. Yesterday, Paul helped us to pause during our worship service and begin to think about what we are most grateful for…both in this season but also in life.
I find myself overwhelmed by the gift and the grace of God to be a part of our church family. To be united in Christ together as a body at Hope Born in Christ Church. I am so blessed to serve each of you as your pastor and am extremely grateful that God has given me the privilege of ministering with each of you!
As we each gather with family and friends this week, I pray you would find time to pause and remember all the many blessings of God in your life. I know that this season can also be a challenging one for many of us, especially those of us who are missing a loved one or beloved friend. I pray that you would find God’s peace this season as you miss those who may no longer be with us.
And as you feast on your turkey this week, begin to ask God what He may be calling you to do this Christmas season in the name of Jesus. Perhaps He is stirring something in your heart after hearing from Eric and Sarah yesterday. Maybe there is something special He is leading you to do for a neighbor or coworker. Perhaps there is something profound He is leading you to do for one of our Christmas Projects this year. Whatever it is, may we remember that this season is all about God sending us the greatest gift in His Son Jesus and may we make everything about Him this Christmas!
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan