We always joke that my kids will grow up always on edge because anything they say or do can and will be used against them in a sermon illustration! Bailey is learning that lesson early, apparently. After last week’s Weekly Update about her sleeping schedule, she decided to sleep through the night last night. I guess she doesn’t like me talking about her 🙂
This week is another busy week here at Hope Born in Christ Church! There’s a lot going on and plenty of opportunities to get involved!
Tonight is our weekly Sports Ministry as well as our new weekly quilting get-together. Already, we’ve tied about 5 quilts for Water Street and we’re just getting started! Join us this evening from 6:30-8:30…there’s something to do for everyone!
Tomorrow night kicks off a brand new Women’s Bible Study at Lucy Brubaker’s house. It’s a great time to connect with other women and grow together. Give Lucy a call if you’d like some more information!
Wednesday is our next Dwelling Place service. In addition to our regular prayer and worship, we will also be praying over the first batch of quilts for Water Street before we deliver them!
Thursday is our next Coffee & Corinthians Bible Study. We are starting chapter 2 of 1 Corinthians so it’s not too late to read a chapter, catch up, and join us for the first time at 10:00 am in the church lobby.
Friday is our next Coffee and Donut ministry. Join us from 7:00—9:00 as we hand out free coffee and donuts and connect with our neighbor on their way to work. This will be the last one of the season so if you’ve been thinking of stopping by, now is the time!
Sunday will have communion during worship and then we’ll jump into 1 Samuel 23. I’ve really been enjoying this series together and hope God has been speaking to you through the life of David and Saul as well!
Also, Sunday is the LAST day to sign up for the Quiet Waters Prayer Retreat in November. If you’re still considering joining us for the trip, the answer is “YES” 🙂
As you can see, it’s a busy week…Saturday would be the only day you have an excuse to be bored but you could use that time to consider if God is calling you to be baptized on October 20th or become an official church member at HBIC. Use the day “off” to listen to His leading!
Hope to see you sometime this week as we welcome October! Have a great week!
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan