This coming Sunday is Father’s Day. I personally have been blessed with a great dad who set an amazing example of how to be a father to my own children. I am eternally grateful for him and his influence in my life. However, I also know for many of us as we approach Father’s Day, it is not all gratitude and fond memories. For many, Father’s Day can be a reminder of harsh treatment or even an altogether absent figure in your life. This week, as we come to this annual day of Dads, I would encourage each of us to reflect not just on our biological fathers (for good or not) but to reflect on our spiritual fathers. Regardless of what type of father you had at home, I suspect God has put godly men of influence in your life to help shape you and grow you as a person. In scripture, we meet Timothy who appears to have no father present. Yet God appoints Paul to step in and be a spiritual father to him. In 2 Timothy 1:2, Paul goes so far as to call Timothy his “dear son.” Who has God placed in your life to be an influence?
And just in time for Father’s Day, I wanted to remind all of the men of HBIC of the men’s breakfast gathering this Saturday at the Mazzeo’s house starting at 7:00 am. I hope you can join us (sorry ladies!).
Two other important dates to note…
In two weeks on June 24th, we have our first youth outing of the summer. If your teen, or someone you know, is interesting in joining the group as they go bowling and grab some lunch, please let me know! The more, the merrier!
While it’s a few months off, please mark your calendars for Saturday, August 24th, for our annual Summer Splash! We will once again be having our picnic lunch out back followed by an outdoor worship service and the giant slip ‘n slide. This year, we’ll have an even larger tent so there will be plenty of shade for everyone! I hope you’ll be able to join us for this fun day in the sun and invite all your friends and neighbors! And, just as with last year, after spending the day together outside, you can plan on sleeping in on Sunday morning as there will be no service that morning. Splash about on Saturday and sleep in on Sunday…what more could you ask for 🙂
I hope you have a great first week of summer vacation… even if you’re at work all week! If you are reading ahead for our 1 Samuel “On the Throne” series, check out chapters 5 and 6 this week…it’s an interesting story you won’t want to miss! (If you missed yesterday’s sermon, check it out here!)
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan