Matthew 9:36 – When Jesus saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.
Jesus walked around with His eyes open, seeing everything and everyone that was around Him. It was this very open-eyed compassion that led Him to not only see Zacchaeus hiding up in the tree but also extend Himself beyond the normal social conventions and invite Himself over for dinner. Jesus understood the impact an invitation could have. He walked through life with His eyes open, looking for people who needed Him.
Are our eyes open as well? Are we seeing the people God has put in our lives? Our neighbors, co-workers, baristas. Jesus calls us to follow Him. In that following, we need to see the world more like Him. We need to understand what is stake and what a simple invitation can lead to. Invitations lead to building relationships which can in turn bring about a changed life as people meet Jesus with you. Are we willing to step outside our comfort zone and invite people to do life with us?
So let me invite you…
The Leadership Team is sensing God’s call to something new in 2019…He just hasn’t told us what it is yet. We are believing that God has something special for us as a church as we enter a new year in just a few weeks and we want to be intentional about listening to His voice for direction. This week, I will be in Tennessee Thursday through Saturday for the Quiet Waters Retreat. One of my goals while there is to spend some specific time listening for God’s direction on this question. I will be praying and fasting Thursday evening and all day Friday. I’ve asked the Leadership Team to join me in this time of prayer and fasting on Friday as we earnestly seeking God’s will as a team and a church. I am inviting you to join us in this time. If you are able, would you be willing to set aside some time on Friday to pray for the Leadership Team? To ask God to speak clearly to us, to speak boldly, and to open our hearts and ears to receive Him.
I recently was teaching on the book of Jonah (not at church, don’t panic – you didn’t sleep through that sermon!)…not the best example here but the first that comes to my mind. When Jonah called the city of Nineveh to repent, the entire city turned back to God. To show their changed hearts, the king called for the entire city to enter a time of fasting – to show God their earnestness in seeking Him. Can we do likewise? Can we as a body seek God’s voice in earnest? Can we fast and pray together? (Fasting doesn’t necessarily need to be food…take a day away from social media or technology to hear God more clearly…abstain from caffeine for the day…set something aside to focus more on your time with God) I’m excited to hear God’s direction for our church and I want to invite you to be part of this experience!
Have a great week! I’ll see you Sunday morning —- bright eyed and bushy-tailed after an extra hour of sleep!
Don’t forget to TURN YOUR CLOCKS BACK 🙂
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan