I woke up this morning with the chorus lyrics from yesterday’s service’s second worship song. They go…
“Glory, glory, hallelujah, He threw my shackles in the sea.
Glory, glory, hallelujah, Jesus is my liberty. I’m going free!”
(I’m going free (Jailbreak) by Vertical Worship)
In light of our discussion yesterday on fear colliding with faith, these words seemed to so appropriate. We can walk boldly in faith, stepping out of our boats when called, because we are free in Christ! We so often allow our pasts, our troubles, and our fears to hold us back from living for Christ in boldness. Yet we see again and again in scripture, we are free! Our shackles are gone, we are new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17)! And because of this freedom, we can indeed sing “glory, glory, hallelujah!”
I would challenge you this week to press into your fears a bit. Our fears, as was mentioned yesterday, tend to point us toward areas where God might be calling us. A simple tour through scripture show that fear is often right there with movements of faith. God almost also extends a call to go and the call to “not be afraid” within the same breath! What are you afraid of? What is God calling you to do?
If you’re not sure or just need some extra time of prayer and worship to dig into this question, I invite you to join John Owens and the worship team at the Dwelling Place this Wednesday night at 7 pm. What better way to hear from God than to spend time in prayerful conversation and adoration of our Savior!
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan