It’s sad to admit but summer is quickly coming to a close. Within the next two weeks, students will begin returning to school and the days will begin to get shorter. The swimming pools will close down and the beaches will have no one building castles on them. But as summer-y things come to a end, things are just picking up here at HBIC! We have a lot of big events coming up and I would like to take this opportunity to get everyone “up to speed” with some of our fall plans…so pull out your calendars, grab a pen, and let’s look into the coming weeks together!
First, if you haven’t already made plans for it, this Saturday is our annual Summer Splash. It will be my first inaugural trip down the slip’n slide so you definitely don’t want to miss this “historic” moment 🙂 Join us from 3-5 pm and invite everyone you know!
Next, mark your calendars for the rest of this year for The Dwelling Place. If you haven’t attended one yet, you definitely need to this fall. Trust me, it will be a great addition to your regular weekly schedule. This fall, The Dwelling Place will be the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each week. Write it down now and plan to worship with us!
In two weeks, on August 27, Hannah Johnson will be joining us and sharing her calling and ministry to Slovenia. Hannah is preparing to enter the mission field in Eastern Europe reaching the youth in a country where Christ is almost unknown. Please plan to join us as we support and encourage Hannah in her calling. A love offering will be taken.
September 10th is our annual Sunday School breakfast with classes resuming on September 17th. What better way to begin the fall season than with food and fellowship. The adult class will be studying “what we believe” as they walk through the Apostle’s Creed together. There will, as always, be classes offered for all of our children ages 3 and up!
Finally, September 17th is national Back to Church Sunday. We are encouraging everyone to invite someone to church. This is something we all should be doing but often are not. If you love your church family and enjoy worshiping together, why would you not invite your friends and neighbors to be a part of what is happening here? After the service that morning, we will be having a church family picnic out on the soccer fields. All of the food is provided, all you need to bring is your friends, your lawn chairs, and your appetite! There will be bounce house for the kids to enjoy and potentially a slightly-competitive kickball game after the meal. Please plan on joining us as we (re)connect after a great summer!
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan