There’s something special about being invited. Whether you open the mailbox and find an invitation, you receive a text from a friend inviting you out for coffee, or a neighbor walks up and invites you over, the invitation makes you feel wanted. People say “we should do this or that sometime” all the time but when they actually ask you to do something specific and put a plan on the calendar, it means something! It means they want to spend time with you. It means they value you. It means they picked you out of all their other friends and neighbors. When you get invited, you feel at the top of the world!
So why don’t we extend invitations more often? Why don’t we pause from our busy lives and invite others to do things? If it makes us feel so good, why don’t we bless others in the same way?
Sunday, September 17th is national “Back to Church Sunday” and it’s a day that we focus on inviting others to join us at HBIC. Obviously, we can and should invite our friends, neighbors, and co-workers to join us every Sunday but September 17th is the day we are looking to have everyone extend an invitation! We will be kicking off our Fall sermon series as well as hosting some special activities after service (more details to come!). It should be a great morning of worship, fellowship, and fun. Wouldn’t you like it if someone invited you to a great morning like that? Why don’t you extend an invitation to someone you know?
As we saw in the brief video yesterday, practice makes perfect! Pray and ask God who He wants you to invite. Ask God to give you the words to extend the invitation. Pray for the person God puts on your heart that He would be preparing them to be open to your invitation.
Let’s invite people to join us! Not only will it make them feel wanted but they will also have the opportunity to hear about the God who created them and loves them!
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan