“Go and make disciples” – Matthew 28:19
Go! Over and over yesterday during our time of worship I heard the command to go! Did you hear it? What is God calling you to GO and do?
Go! Go Beyond and connect with our community. The week-long, Lancaster-county-wide service time is almost here and we are participating in two specific ways this year. First, we are going to pack food for refugees at the GAiN warehouse in Mt. Joy on Thursday, May 18th from 6-8pm. This is a great way to get the whole family involved in going and serving. We will also be going and doing Targeted Acts of Kindness…more details on this on Sunday 🙂
Go! Go down to the field with Upward Soccer. Our Upward season is wrapping up and we want to finish strong! It’s been a rainy season but we’re praying for lots of sun as we come to the end. On Saturday, May 20th we will be having a double header which means we need double the help! We would love for everyone to join us, even if just for an hour or so, to see what God is doing with the great group of kids and their families!
Go! Go and get some chicken. Our annual Chicken BBQ is this Saturday and we are looking for some help setting up and selling chicken. We also are looking for some people to eat some chicken…and can’t we all go and do that!
Go! Go and care for someone, anyone, everyone! I hope you were challenged yesterday to go and show the love and care of our amazing God to someone in your life. We are all called to care. While we each have our own needs, we also have the gifting to meet others’ needs. Let’s all go and care is some new way this week.
Let’s all go this week!
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan