Happy first day of Spring! It’s hard to believe we’ve seen practically no snow until Spring arrives and now our soccer fields are a muddy mess just in time to start using them! Nevertheless, the show goes on! Today officially kicks off the Upward Soccer Season and practices (indoor this week!) are in full swing. We have a record 107 kids enrolled this year and can’t wait to see what God is going to do through this “door” as we reach all of these families. If you haven’t gotten involved yet, don’t worry! There are still plenty of opportunities. Allison Latshaw (my beautiful wife) is organizing the concession stand this year and would love to talk to you about donating supplies or volunteering to run the stand. Leslie Spurrier is still looking for volunteers to set up the fields each week as well as referees for the weekly games. Please remember to be in prayer over this ministry as well as considering in what ways you can get involved! Many hands make light work, more opportunities for fellowship, and more “doors” being opened!
Of course, Upward isn’t the only big thing going on around the church right now! Yesterday, we were able to hear our brand new sound system in action. Over the next several weeks, John and the team will continue to fine-tune the new system as things continue to improve. The old system was having A LOT of issues that the team covered up well but they are overjoyed to be working with a new, very functional system!
Also coming up next Sunday, we will be hosting our missionaries from France, the Powers, and will have the opportunity to hear an in-person update as they open “doors” in France. We will be taking a special “love offering” for Chuck and Cathy in addition to our regular offering. Please prayerfully consider giving an extra gift this week to bless their ministry.
On a personal note of praise and celebration, Allison was offered and accepted a new position as a Senior Research Scientist at Versum Materials. She will be starting her new job next week and we excited to see God answering our prayers for her to find a job in her field in the area.
Clearly there’s a lot going on right now and it’s all good! If you’re able, please join in the celebration and time with God this Wednesday at The Dwelling Place at 7pm!
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan