Dear HBIC Church Family,
Yesterday, I preached on Philippians 2 as we looked at the humility, love, and compassion of Christ. As I went about my day yesterday (and yes, they did save me some hamloaf for lunch!), I couldn’t help but ponder over Jesus’ great humility as well as the comparison I made between the Hulk and Jesus. We discussed the anger and rage that fuels the Hulk’s strength and marveled that Jesus did not come in the same anger and rage, for it is what we deserved! Throughout the years between the creation of the world and the incarnation of Christ at Christmas, the human race did nothing but turn its back on God. Sin after sin drove mankind farther and farther from God. When Jesus steps onto the scene to “deal with the sin problem,” one would fully expect Him to come in judgment and condemnation of mankind. If He had, who could blame Him? It was fully what we deserved! Yet Jesus did not come in anger, wrath, or even judgment. He came in love! I know I made this point yesterday but it’s been on my mind and heart and I felt compelled to share it again. Jesus came into the world with an abundant amount of love and grace to not only redeem us but to give His life for us!
As the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season continues to increase, strive to keep your eyes set on Jesus our Lord and Savior. He is the perfect example of what it means to be human, to live whole-heartedly for God, and to give of oneself to the blessing of others. As a practical way of maintaining a Christ-centered life, consider joining us this Wednesday night at 7pm for the Dwelling Place as we have a time of worship and prayer, setting our eyes on Christ at Christmas and always!
In Christ Alone,
Pastor Jan